Dear Members and Supporters,

As I step into the role of President of the Narcotic Enforcement Officers Association (NEOA), I am honored and humbled to continue the legacy built by my predecessor, Lieutenant Michael R. Rinaldi. For over 20 years, I've dedicated myself to the cause of combating drug abuse, and I am deeply committed to upholding the values and objectives that have defined our association.

Education remains our most potent tool in the fight against drug abuse. It's not just about enforcement but also about empowering our communities with knowledge. The NEOA's mission is steadfast: to educate, inform, and stand alongside law enforcement professionals and the public in understanding the dangers and evolving patterns within the realm of drug abuse.

Protecting our children and ensuring their safety is at the forefront of our priorities. We understand that safeguarding their well-being requires a multifaceted approach, including education, prevention, and robust community engagement.

In the face of ever-evolving challenges, the NEOA stands resolute. We will continue to adapt, innovate, and collaborate to create a safer, more informed society. Our dedication to this cause is unwavering, and with your support, we will make meaningful strides toward a drug-free future.

I invite each of you to join us in this crucial mission. Together, let us strengthen our communities, equip ourselves with knowledge, and stand united against the threat of drug abuse.


Lieutenant Jason Amato,

President, Narcotic Enforcement Officers Association